03 March 2023

How Dare You Tell Me to Wait for My Turn

Civilization was nice while it lasted. Bronx grocery store cashier pummeled in shocking caught-on-video attack

A defenseless Bronx grocery store cashier was repeatedly pummeled by a deranged woman and her grown daughters in a shocking caught-on-video assault, The Post has learned.

So why did the woman go and get her daughters?

[The clerk], who was still recovering at home, explained she first encountered the main assailant the week prior when she called her out for skipping the line to turn in a ticket for cash in return for recyclables.

So this wasn't a spur-of-the-moment, she's having a bad day kind of thing. This was planned revenge for being told to act like a civilized person and wait your turn in line.

Common decency? Some reaction other than violence? Not in NYC apparently.

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