13 January 2023

Racism at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

As the Washington Examiner pointed out, this is the dictionary definition of racism. UNC art club excludes white students | The College Fix

The no-whites-allowed club has sparked an interest in creating other groups that shut out white people. “Inspired by the organization, [executive member Ye-Bon] Hong, a dramatic arts major, eventually wants to start her own theater company consisting entirely of people of color,” the Tar Heel reported.

Martin Luther King Jr. is rolling over in his grave.

Imagine how these new segregation supporters would react to a whites-only set of clubs. Hell, they would probably go ballistic over an Asian-only version.

As I said, the hat tip goes to Washington Examiner: How can we fight racialist insanity at woke universities?

Even aside from making a fetish of nonsense woke-speak words such as “tokenism” and “filtering,” along with misuse of other words such as “exploitation,” these semi-adults seem oblivious to the notion that what they are practicing is the long-standing dictionary definition of racism . Volunteers during decades of the civil rights movement in the 20th century, who risked social standing and sometimes their very lives to ensure that people of all races could freely intermingle and integrate, would be appalled to see people of any skin tone exclude people of other skin tones at a government-funded institution. Meanwhile, it is self-evident nonsense to suggest that the experience of creating and appreciating art is dependent on the hue of the practitioner or beholder.

Civilization was nice while it lasted.

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