25 January 2023

Cops Search the Wrong House

Again. Another case of cops not bothering to figure out where the hell they are. They got both the house number AND the street wrong. How many times will cops search the WRONG DAMN house before they learn to read? Channel 11 Exclusive: Woman says police searched wrong house while looking for shooting suspect

Because being a law enforcement officer means you don't have to be smart enough to read a freaking map, or a street sign. Or use a map application on your phone. Or read and follow directions. Or be a decent human being, apparently.

Monroeville police told the homeowner they tracked Brown to 1102 Deary Street in Larimer using a cell phone ping. But she lives on a different street, and her house number is 1101.

Details, details. Don't clutter the issue with facts.

How do you spell "Fucking clueless?"

Now she has damages to home and furniture, and kids who have been traumatized by police. The kids will probably be afraid of, and mistrustful of, police their whole lives. Yes, the city says, "We will pay. Just fill out this form."

As for being "decent human beings," no one will answer any questions. The chief was "out of the office" the day the media stopped by, and strangely, no phone calls are being returned by anyone to anyone. Not only are they clueless, but they're apparently unwilling to own up to their own mistakes. Does that make them gutless as well?

Way to go guys. You should get an award for being the biggest idiots of 2023. So far anyway. But don't worry, I'm sure it won't be long before some police force pulls an even bigger bone-headed maneuver. I mean, you didn't kill anybody, so you have that going for you. And you aren't nearly at the level idiocy as the police in Uvalde, Texas.

Here's a picture of some of the biggest losers in Texas, since I haven't reminded people of that lately. (They look cool though, right? At least they think so.)

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