30 December 2022

Friday Links - 30 December

I hope eveyone has a safe and fun New Year's.

Meep on public finance, pensions, mortality and more is up first with Twitter Files Hits COVID Stats: Good Luck with Rebuilding Trust, CDC. I would love to devote time for an entire post on this subject, but this is all you get. For now.

And this is what has been wearing me down throughout the pandemic — it’s not merely that the bureaucrats and politicians have had different policies than I preferred (and in some case, they had the same ones I preferred), but that they used lies to support these policies, and then blocked people using factual information who supported different policies.

Adaptive Curmudgeon - Attack Of The Lesbian Activist Squirrels: Chapter 9: Part 09: Mystery Inc.

This is the last post in this chapter. You’ve just had 12,000 words of free ice cream! I hope you liked it. The whole story is well over 100,000 words, it’s free to anyone who wants to read, and it’s my best attempt to treat the malady of uptight wokeness.

Sure, I’ll admit it; it’s unusual. I could have gifted y’all an ugly sweater or some shit you don’t need, but isn’t this a better Christmas present than that?

Battleswarm Blog - Biden’s America: Buffalo Looters Sack Family Dollar

Looting and rioting are both signs of societal breakdown. Recent election cycles have seen the hard-left wing of the Democratic Party encourage (and the rest of party at least tolerate) such behavior, seemingly on the working assumption that doing so helped keep black voters pulling the “D” lever, no matter how destructive it might be for economic opportunity and community cohesion in the long term.

Gates of Vienna - The Betrayal of Europe

The following poem by Michael Copeland from 2016 is relevant to the story of Luna, the little Swedish girl who was raped and turned into a quadriplegic by a culture-enriching “youth”.

Breitbart - Poll Shows Media, Politicians Hide Migration Numbers from Americans

Public opposition to President Joe Biden’s lax border policies surges when voters discover the huge scale of the economic migration, according to polling data from a December survey by Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll.

The Other McCain - ‘I Don’t Talk to the Police, Sir’

One of the difficulties of trying to get Americans to understand our nation’s crime problem is that most people don’t acknowledge the existence of the category “criminals.” That is to say, because of the way crime is portrayed in entertainment and news media, there seems to be a widespread belief that criminal behavior is more or less randomly distributed throughout the population.

Pirate's Cove - Hey, Remember When Trump Was In Office And It Was Racist To Make Chinese Take COVID Tests?

I’m waiting with baited breath for the NY Times, Washington Post, LA Times, etc and so on to call this racist now that Biden is doing it

Again from The Other McCain - Why Have Democrat-Controlled Schools Become Such Cesspits of Racism?

Consider the fact that the case before the court involved two students — Cedric Epple and Kevin Chen — who were expelled from Albany High School in Alameda County, California. This is on the east side of San Francisco Bay, barely three miles from the Berkeley campus of the University of California, which is to say that this school is nearly at the Ground Zero of Wokeness. Less than 5% of the voters in the town are registered Republicans. There is perhaps no place in America where “hate speech” is more strongly condemned, and yet here’s what was going on among these teenagers:

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