18 October 2022

Comcast "Unexpectedly" Kills G4TV

I would say that "Schadenfreude is a dish best served cold" if Froskurinn was still at G4TV. Comcast Leaves Workers In The Lurch After Surprise Gaming Network G4 TV Cancellation

G4 was apparently a big deal back when I was nearly off the grid, not playing video games, and really not in tune with any part of video-game culture. It died many years ago.

Comcast decided to try and revive the brand/channel in the past year or so, announcing its return at a recent (pre-COVID?) ComicCon, and launching the channel in the past year.

There was one major problem. They hired a bunch of woke scolds, one in particular, Indiana Juniper Black, known online as Froskurinn, or just Frosk. In January of this year she went on a woke rant, telling gamers basically, "If you don't like it, go somewhere else." They seem to have taken her up on that invitation to stay away.

That brings us to today.

Comcast Spectacor just announced the cancellation of G4 TV, shocking dozens of completely unsuspecting workers, now unemployed. According to Chief Executive Officer at Comcast Dave Scott, the gaming network was quite simply unprofitable, failing to gain enough traction during its recent reboot to provide a sufficient return on investment.

I'm sorry, but no one should be surprised by this. They had layoffs in late August or early September, and Frosk was gone by mid September; she was spared by the intial layoffs, and then compounded her January gaff by laughing at the fact she hadn't been laid off. Given that she was a primary cause of the layoffs, that was in bad form. She was let go shortly after that.

But then layoffs are not something a company does if they're in great shape and growing.

You can find the video of the rant on YouTube if you're interested. It is a fairly standard scold from a fairly typical Woke champion. It isn't interesting. How dare men be attracted to attractive females, and not attracted to repulsive females. [Adopt your best Gretta T. voice, and with feeling...] "How dare you!"

Did Froskurinn/Frosk kill G4 on her own? I don't think so, though she probably pounded more than a few nails into the coffin. Part of it is that there is more gaming content on YouTube and Twitch than G4 could compete with. Unless they offered something stellar. They didn't. You can get scolded by the woke scolds anywhere.

The woke scolds are everywhere, after all. Don't like what they did to She-Hulk. You just hate women superheros. (pay no attention to Xena: Warrior Princess, or the 2017 Wonder Woman, or Terminator 2, or...) Don't like what the did to The Rings of Prime. You're racist. You cannot criticize their writing, burning of the lore, casting, (the worst casting choice for LotR: The Rings of Prime was Guy-ladriel) or anything about the show. To do so is to out yourself as racist, misogynist, fascist, a threat to our democracy and way of life. No bit of hyperbole was too much for the people defending this schlock.

What is interesting is Chrissie Mayr's parody of the Frosk rant, and the Rap that was created as a result. Chrissie Mayr showed up on Friday Night Tights as Frosk, declaring that you were going to be Frosk-bitten. The rap is at this link. Her initial parody, via FNT, is also on YouTube.


  1. I got a laugh out of Chrissie Mayr's even though I'm about as far from being a gamer as there is and didn't even know G4 existed (srsly). Never really got into games. Other than a card game on occasion if I'm stuck somewhere with only my phone.

    1. I haven't played computer/console games in decades, though I have friends who do.

      Lately the only game I play is chess. I find computer chess and the chess puzzles do a better job of intellectual exercise than crossword puzzles. Well that and Sudoku.


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