17 September 2022

Students Report Teacher - Responsible Adults Do Nothing

Was that because no one wanted to get crosswise from the union? Or do they just not care about students? Sixth-Graders Protect Their Fellow Students From a Creepy Teacher

In the long run it didn't matter too much, because the kids began documenting everything this creep did.

The unnamed teacher, who was also a coach, told the kids he had dealt with parents’ complaints before and was not worried. The boys went to adults, who essentially blew them off. The flirting and innuendo made the girls uncomfortable. Some would laugh, while others just stayed in their seats and endured it.

The adults blew the kids off, so they started recording everything he did. During remote learning they documented stuff as it happened.

Two things stand out here.

First, the boys had gone to the people whose job it was to protect students, and no one cared. They had to take matters into their own hands. Let’s forget about pronouns, gender, and CRT for just a minute. The Left can’t figure out why parents want to know what’s going on in their children’s classrooms.

This. This is why. Pre-teen girls were being harassed and essentially exploited by a person in a position of trust, and nothing was done. How long did this go on? How many students had to suffer this humiliation? How many times was this issue shunted to one side or buried? One of the boys was quoted as saying, “I don’t think there was a single adult who would ever — like their parents, my mom, like anybody in the school — who had ever really taken the whole thing seriously before.” The boys were being treated shabbily, and the girls were being sexually harassed. Tell me again how what goes on in a school it isn’t any business of the parent. A parent should be able to walk in at any moment, sit down in a classroom, and find out exactly what is happening with their children.

I ask again. Why didn't the powers that be intervene? Why didn't they take the reports of students seriously. Why did they protect someone harassing middle school girls? And will anything happen to them for being complete worthless wastes of oxygen? (My guess on that last one; no one will even be reprimanded, let alone fired.)

There is more, click thru. (Hat tip to EBL.)

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