25 August 2022

Self-defense Is Legal in South Carolina

But then I suspected that it was. Fatal shooting in Mallard Lakes neighborhood ruled self-defense

This is also an example of how people that you know can be a threat.

This incident took place on August 16th, so the DA was working at light-speed to issue this ruling this quickly. Some DAs would wait months. Others, like Manhattan's Alvin Bragg, would charge the guy in spite of the evidence.

Officers say the decision was made after the 11th Circuit Solicitor reviewed evidence from the shooting the Mallard Lake neighborhood on August 16.

Police say around 5 a.m. on that day, they got an emergency call of a home invasion in progress. they arrived they were met in the driveway by a man who'd been shot several times. The man's wife, who had been in the house during the shooting, was also there. Two children were at the home during the incident as well.

The guy who got shot was the man's brother-in-law. He came into the home with a weapon.

The Left - the part of it that hates guns, anyway - loves to go on at length about how if you own a gun, you are more likely to shoot someone you know. There is a reason for that. Namely, you are more at risk from people you know than random strangers.

In this case it was the man's brother-in-law, but "people you know" include the creep that hangs out in your favorite coffee shop, the co-worker who has decided you are his soul-mate, and a lot of other people. Just because you know them, doesn't mean they are harmless.

Self-defense is a human-right, and it appears to be your legal right in South Carolina.

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