16 August 2022

Dating in the Feminist Dystopia

I'm not sure why The Other McCain is writing about modern dating, but it is fascinating. Are ‘Higher Standards’ Really to Blame?

He has takes on some things I agree with, and some things I don't. I don't think he acknowledges the pressure from society to NOT form permanent relationships, but then maybe I saw too much of it.

He has advice for young people that I do mostly agree with, and more. I will only quote one of the later things he brings up, the Feminist Take on the dating scene.

If her [Kylie Cheung] goal in life is to be permanently alone, her social-media message is perfect, because I can’t imagine any guy wanting to get with a girl whose Instagram page is so crammed full of Controversial Feminist Hot Takes, interspersed with Gaze-Upon-My-Half-Naked-Body Selfies. Honestly, Miss Cheung, has your mother seen your account? If so, is she more or less resigned to the fact she’ll never have grandchildren?

That a woman would deport herself online in this manner, while simultaneously gloating about “lonely, single men” who “need to fix everything about themselves or die alone,” displays a lack of self-awareness that is truly astonishing. But this just shows what Professor Reynolds said, i.e., “rule number one in articles about dating and relationships is that men are always the problem.” No matter how hopeless a basket case a woman may be — and Kylie Cheung is a complete mess — she is nevertheless assumed to possess an unquestioned authority to expound upon what’s wrong with men.

But then he also brings up the example of Amber Herd:

Indulge me in another digression: One may be entirely sympathetic to victims of domestic abuse while, at the same time, recognizing Amber Heard as a certain type of woman who specializes in wrecking the life of any man foolish enough to fall in love with her. When a woman is so physically attractive, most men are apt to overlook the signs that she’s a destructive psychopath, in the Danger Zone of the “Hot/Crazy Matrix.”

Amber Heard is selfish, dishonest and cruel, and is shrewd enough to manipulate the gullible “feminists” who want to view her as a heroic victim, a symbolic martyr to “misogyny” — in quite the same way as she manipulated Johnny Depp into seeing her as “wife material,” a mistake that poor fool must eternally regret.

Anyway, go read the whole thing.

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