07 June 2022

Tuesday Links

The Volokh Conspiracy starts things off with 10 Cases in Past Year Where Law-Abiding Defenders "Have Stopped Likely Mass Public Shootings" With Guns

Naturally, it's also hard to tell how the incident would have played out had the defender not interceded; it doesn't cover the almost certainly far more common scenarios of self-defense against non-mass shootings (and of the non-mass shootings themselves); and of course this doesn't tell us whether some particular gun control proposal might, on balance, reduce underlying gun crime in a way that doesn't unduly interfere with lawful self-defense.

The Other McCain is up next with a somewhat related story. Clown World in ‘Killadelphia’: DA Krasner Blames NRA for South Street Massacre

Guess how much “senseless gun violence” there was in my neighborhood this weekend? Zero, despite the fact that gun ownership in this vicinity is a lot higher than it is in Philadelphia, which has strict gun control laws. [SNIP]

After shootings increased in 2020, the Philadelphia city council authorized “the Committee on Public Safety and the Special Committee on Gun Violence Prevention” to investigate and prepare a report, which was ultimately issued in January 2022. In that report, the District Attorney’s office said that it was unfair to enforce the city’s gun control laws

90 Miles From Tyranny - The Top 10 Creepiest and Most Dystopian Things Pushed by the World Economic Forum (WEF)

The least one can say is that Klaus Schwab, the founder and the head of the WEF is not a fan of democracy. In fact, he perceives it as an obstacle to a fully globalized world.

In the 2010 WEF report titled “Global Redesign”, Schwab postulates that a globalized world is best managed by a “self-selected coalition of multinational corporations, governments (including through the UN system), and select civil society organizations (CSOs)”. This is the exact opposite of a democracy.

The College Fix - Police: Racial taunts against black/Hispanic HS football team never happened

But according to 60 pages of documents from Georgetown police, there is no evidence to support these claims, the Boston Globe reports. If anything, the police report notes the game’s referees said they were subjected to “angry shouts” by the Roxbury coaches regarding their “racially discriminatory” officiating.

Ammoland's Blog - Anti-Gun Activist Stunt Backfires! Drives 2000+ ‘Murderers’ to Local Gun Show VIDEO. Someone vandalized signs advertising a one-day gun show hosted by a local club.

WMUR ran the story on TV multiple times that Friday, one day before the gun show’s opening day.

This gave the gun show thousands of dollars in free publicity. The next day, the line to get in the show that morning wrapped around the building. Many people attending said they came just to support the club because they were infuriated by the story.

Legal Insurrection - ‘Defund the Police’ Narrative Crumbles as Big City Dems Make Fighting Crime Central to Election Campaigns

For a good two years now, Democrats and their allies in the mainstream media have pushed a false narrative that defunding the police is something that is supported by a majority of the American people, even as poll after poll has shown that simply isn’t true, including among those whom woke activists suggested supported the idea the most: black and Hispanic voters.

OldAFSarge at Chant du Départ - On Loss

Had a call from LUSH on Friday night, a jet went in near China Lake. The pilot did not survive.

She knows I follow the doings of our military and am particularly sensitive to the affairs of Naval Aviation, having friends and relatives in that business. The call was to assure me that Big Time was safe and sound. No one of our inner circle was involved. [SNIP]

Friday, thank the Lord, it didn't strike as close to home as it could have. But somewhere a family grieves.

Chicago Boyz - Anybody Surprised?

Battery metal costs, shortages could add years to pursuit of cheaper EVs
Surging battery prices and shortages of metals and materials likely will last for some time, Toyota chief scientist Gill Pratt warned this week.

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