08 June 2022

Chicago's Wealthy Move to Private Security

Move to even more private security, I should say. Gold Coast group will buy license plate readers and surveillance cameras to supplement private security patrols, fundraising letter says - CWB Chicago

As more and more Chicago residents hire private security companies to patrol their neighborhoods, a Gold Coast group is taking its crime-fighting efforts to the next level.

Gold Coast Neighbors Association (GCNA), which has been paying for summertime patrols by off-duty cops for eight years, is now preparing to install its own license plate reader and camera system, according to a fundraising letter.

Why private security? Because the police have been hamstrung to the point that they cannot provide safety. No car chases allowed. (They are dangerous.) No foot chases allowed either. (Ditto.)

But then I'm not sure why people who want safety are still living in Chicago. Things are going to get worse before they get better.

Of course people who live on the Gold Coast can afford private security and license plate readers. The rest of the peasants will get nothing, with the exception of a few other upper class neighborhoods. Because as I said, the city and the State's Attorney think that Social Justice is more important than public safety.

As for the Gold Coast... From the Wiki:

In the late 1980s, the Gold Coast and neighboring Streeterville comprised the second most-affluent neighborhood in the United States, behind Manhattan's Upper East Side.

1 comment:

  1. There are already many private security firms with better equipment, bigger budgets, better trained and more experienced personnel than municipal police departments. It won't be long (20 years or less) before this is the norm in all urban areas. The contrast will go from subtle to obvious to glaring and before we know it the municipal authorities will look like amateur hour compared to these guys. The LEOs with actual training and skill will gravitate to private firms (already happening) for the money and relative safety since the regular cops will be getting shot at every shift. .gov will attempt to intimidate some firms to get them to keep a low profile but that will be a losing battle and they know it. If you plot the natural progression on a graph, it spells anarchy. I mean like Somalia type anarchy except with slightly smaller piles of rotting garbage on nearly every street corner.


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