05 May 2022

Why Are Guns So Prevalent in US Culture?

This is a quite nice interview from Newsy with Professor David Yamane. Light Over Heat #18: Why Are Guns So Prominent in American Culture?

If you are not reading Professor Yamane's work and watching his videos, you are missing out. You can find his two blogs, Gun Culture 2.0 and Gun Curious in the sidebar under "Politics and Guns." He also has a YouTube Channel, Light Over Heat. There is a link to today's video below, or you can search for his channel.

I was pleased that the online streaming news network “Newsy” asked to interview me for their nightly program “The Why.” They wanted to address the question, “Why is gun culture so prominent in the U.S.?”

This is the introduction produced by Newsy. It is quite good on its own.

A little bit of history, and little bit of where we are now, including a review of how prevalent guns are in movies.

Below you will find the interview portion of the Newsy story, together with a brief introduction by Professor Yamane.

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