02 May 2022

Handshake With Hell

Arch Enemy, a Swedish Melodeath band with a Canadian lead singer, released a single the first week in February. It is from an upcoming album. Nothing too unusual about that, but the singer, Alissa White-Gluz is changing it up. Shifting from her signature Death Metal, Death Growl to her normal singing voice, and back. Taking a page out of Jinjer's book? Maybe. Alissa White-Gluz has been known to sing in her regular voice with other groups.

And the song also features stunning guitar work by the dual-lead guitarists, Michael Amott and Jeff Loomis.

This song is "Handshake With Hell" by Arch Enemy from their July 2022 album Deceivers.


  1. Unrelated to the post, other than \m/ METAL \m/ , but have you taken a listen to Udo Dirkschneider's latest album of (mostly?) covers? From Udo D. topic (official channel, maybe?) on YubTub: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_l5L8rLI7_0oa9a8LqHBhaZZzgMfj2SmGk

    1. Will check it out when I get a minute. Always looking for new music!

  2. I really like her natural voice, it has the 'zing-y-ness' and edge that really gets me. The growl just kills it for me though. I hope they continue to feature her singing voice and downplay the growl.

    1. Probably not going to happen with Arch Enemy. Alissa replaced Angela Gossow as lead singer specifically because she could do the growl. That is Arch Enemy.

    2. To a large extent that is Melodeath


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