Pirate's Cove - Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup
- Moonbattery covers Judicial Watch suing for Jan 6th emails and videos
- neo-neocon discusses Olympic politics, then and now
The Other McCain - In The Mailbox: 02.07.22
Adam Piggott: What’s Your Conspiracy? also, Slow Truck To Nowhere
American Conservative: Safety Third, also, Onward Christian Soldiers
Bacon Time!!!! - Sunday Linkage
The Intrepid Reporter: Happy BHM & The Latest ‘Kraine/Syrian DotMil Shenanigans
Watts Up With That: Climate Fish Scare Turns Out To Be Just a Fish Story
EBL - What Is The Over Under On Brian Stelter 🥔 Staying At CNN? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Good Point
TrueConservative™ Fat Jonah, however, is going to work for CNN
Political Hat - News of the Week (February 6th, 2022)
Biden Admin Has Records on Nearly One Billion Gun Sales
ATF database on firearm sales sparks fears Biden admin tracking millions of gun owners
A View from the Beach - Politics Delayed, Not Politics Denied
Nick Waddy at Am Great, Joe Biden: No Longer the Greatest Thing Since Sliced Bread. Meanwhile, atop Da Hill Alex Bolton sees that Schumer faces brewing war and progressives ramp up primary threats.
Again from Wombat-socho - In The Mailbox: 02.08.22
Da Tech Guy: The Single Biggest Giveaway On The Trucker Convoy, also, Student Power & The End Of Reason
Don Surber: The Voting Rights Act Seems Unconstitutional
Gates of Vienna - News Feed 2/7/2022
Hate Hoax: Black Student Charged With Lying to Police After Faking Hate Crime
A 19-year-old black female college student at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE) is now facing disorderly conduct charges over lying to police
Don Surber - Highlights of the News
ITEM 12: The Post Millennial reported, "A chilling video shows an assault taking place in the middle of a Las Vegas high school classroom. The victim is hit in the head 30 times in the course of the video, while other students laugh and the teacher appears afraid to intervene.
Doug Ross - Larwyn’s Linx: Now Is the Time for Conservatives to Combat Big Tech’s Totalitarianism
• Organized civil disobedience is the correct next response Eric Weinstein
• Trump Border Chief Reveals ‘Invasion’ at Southern Border Douglas Blair
Battleswarm Blog - The Silence of the PIIGS [Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece, and Spain]
Does the EU ever really solve anything? European debt grew during the pandemic, but this time they get to blame Flu Manchu rather than slow growth, high taxes, declining births and a bloated welfare state.
Proof Positive - Best of the Web*
Another case of “that thug should have been in jail”
Failed Democrat Congressional Candidate Says Gina Carano Should Be in Prison, Proving the Hard Left Are the Fascists
Cafe Hayek - Some Covid Links
John Palmer reflects sensibly on Covid vaccines and vitamin D.
Vinay Prasad is unimpressed with new ‘research’ – published in a CDC journal – on masks.
J.J. Sefton at Ace of Spades HQ - The Morning Report - 2/8/22
Christopher Rufo: "The Left's racialist ideologies threaten to transform America into a prison yard."
Prison-Gang Politics
Maggie's Farm - Monday morning links
Germany to raze a 1,000-year-old forest in the name of 'going green'
The End of Free-Lunch Economics
Anonymous Conservative - News Briefs – 02/07/2022
Comedian Heather McDonald collapses on stage immediately after joking, “I’m vaxxed, double vaxxed, boosted and flu shot.” God has a sense of humor too…
Triple vaxxed Chelsea Handler cancels several shows of comedy tour after suffering ...
I leave you with Sunday gifdump from Wirecutter, Sunday Funnies For 02-06-22 from Stately McDaniel Manor, Tuesday Memes …from MaddMedic, and Wintervention from Bluebird of Bitterness.
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