08 January 2022

Saturday Roundup of Link Roundups - 8 January

An unusually short Saturday Roundup. With luck things will be back to normal soon. 2018 normal, not 2021 normal.

On that subject, Wombat-socho, who does so much to uphold the conservative blogosphere, as F*c*book, Twitter, Google, et al do so much to censor The Right, spent at least part of the holiday season in the hospital. You can help him out by purchasing stuff through his Amazon affiliate link. (See this link and page down to find "Amazon Warehouse Deals.")

EBL - Don't Cry For Me Argentina! The Kissing Hybristophile Judge 💋. (I don't usually like links to media outlets, but in this case...)

The Sun: Caught In The Snogging Act
NY Post: Judge caught kissing a cop-killer behind bars
Only women are hybristophiles. https://t.co/cKf6W7gLXV

The Right Way - Top of the News

Do Not Talk To The FBI... - 90 Miles From Tyranny
The Votes Are In: 2021 ASSHAT OF THE YEAR AWARD - Diogenes Middle Finger News Service

A View from the Beach - The End of the Jan. 6 Festival Week?

Joe Klein at Front Page dissects Biden’s January 6 Anniversary Speech - and His Big Lies, He's a life long liar and fabulator, why would we expect him not to lie here?

Vlad Tepes - The mechanics of incremental totalitarianism in 5 news items: Links post 1 for January 8, 2022

4. In keeping with the spirit of the post, especially item 3., The Netherlands is pulling the same con where 2 weeks to flatten the curve becomes 3 years to flatten your rights.

Splendid Isolation - News Roundup

Charges Dismissed Against Prison Guards Who Falsified Records the Night Jeffrey Epstein Died

can you say, “fix!”, children? I knew you could.

Battleswarm Blog - LinkSwarm for January 7, 2022

Trump has has taken up permanent rent-free residence in their heads: “MSNBC’s ‘Deadline: White House’ mentions Trump more than twice as often as Biden.” (Hat tip: Ed Driscoll at Instapundit.)
This is infuriating: Oregon Business Owner Ordered to Remove American Flag Mural on Private Property.

Pixy Misa at Ace of Spades HQ - Daily Tech News 7 January 2022.

France has fined Facebook and Google €210 million over asymmetric cookie popups. (The Register)
Being jerks, Facebook and Google made it much harder to turn down cookies than to accept them.

Proof Positive - Best of the Web*

Far Left Mayor Demands Removal of Private, Iwo Jima Flag-Raising Mural.
Baby Girl Born 13 Weeks Early Was Too Small for Doll Clothes, Now Thriving

I leave you with Friday gifdump from Wirecutter, Friday chuckles from Bluebird of Bitterness, and Saturday Memes 
 from MaddMedic.

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