22 December 2021

So How Will They Spin This as "Crime Is Down?"

What happens when you stop enforcing the law? You get lawlessness, in a big way. Witness what is going on in Chicago. Carjackings, up 447% since 2019, just keep on rolling in Chicago; cases reported in Wicker Park, Albany Park, and outside UIC hospital on Thursday - CWB Chicago

The politicians are not spinning this, but more on that in a minute.

That statistic in the headline is a bit misleading, in my opinion. (Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics.) That only covers the first 9 days of December 2021, compared to the same period in 2019. Not the whole year.

Lately, every morning has been the same at CWB’s office. Log on to our laptops and start compiling the daily list of hijackings and armed robberies committed across our coverage area since the day before.

It’s become a little tedious, frankly. Sometimes we wonder how it can be that, as you will read regarding yesterday evening, at least four hijackings were committed in three hours across the small part of the city we cover.

The politicians are lying about it of course. They don't bother with spin. If you don't like the facts, ignore the facts.

If we look at the statistics from HeyJackass! those currently show that there were 1646 carjackings so far this year, compared to 1416 in all of 2020, and 603 in all of 2019. That is "only" a 273 percent increase since 2019.

This is where I mention Hobbes' Leviathan, and the State of War that ensues when law and order break down.

Western Civilization is built on a foundation of law and order. Without law and order, you can't have nice things. You can't have anything really. Or as Hobbes stated it...

In such condition there is no place for industry, because the fruit thereof is uncertain, and consequently no culture of the earth, no navigation nor use of the commodities that may be imported by sea, no commodious building, no instruments of moving and removing such things as require much force, no knowledge of the face of the earth; no account of time, no arts, no letters, no society, and, which is worst of all, continual fear and danger of violent death, and the life of man solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.

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