05 November 2021

Corporate Media Doesn't Understand What Happened Tuesday

But then did you expect them too? They live in a bubble. The Corporate Media Ignores a Few Firsts in Virginia Because They Can't Explain Them

Also, for the corporate media and those in the bubble around them, history started yesterday. They never contrast statements made by political leaders like Joe Biden today with their rhetoric from even five years ago. The party they support has been dragged to the left, and they can’t even see it. Their producers book Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) because they believe she represents the mainstream of the Democrat Party. In reality, that mainstream probably looks more like Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) outside of Washington D.C. and the Upper West Side.

That is why the conversation on CNN and MSNBC last night was all about racist dog whistles and disinformation about critical race theory. It completely ignored the election of Lt. Governor Winsome Sears, a black female, and Attorney General Jason Miyares, the son of Cuban immigrants. Many people on social media were calling the corporate media shills out for the oversight as if these commentators would recognize diversity in the Republican Party under any circumstances.

In other words, "It's all about the narrative," and the narrative requires that Republicans are racist, even when the Democrats hold the position that minorities can't compete on a level playing field.

There is much more. Click thru.

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