04 October 2021

“Crime Is Down” in Chicago - According to the Politicians

Yes. I consider Police Superintendent Brown a politician, and not in a good way. In Chicago, carjackings are "down" and the murder rate "remains flat," top cop and prosecutor say - CWB Chicago

It was crazy enough when the city’s police superintendent told a midday business luncheon that carjackings are down despite incontrovertible proof to the contrary.

But then Cook Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx managed to out-WTF him with a tweet that claimed “the homicide rate remains flat.”

Let's deal with the carjacking situation.

Despite Brown’s statement, carjackings are up sharply this year. Every month since March has recorded more carjackings than the month before. The only way Brown can claim carjackings are down is to compare weekly averages to January 2021 — the single worst month for carjackings this millennium.

Click thru for more info on carjackings in the city, and how only a politician like Kim Foxx could make that claim about murders in Chicago.


  1. Their "supporters" don't read anything except "approved" sources and media, so who would know anything different?

    1. People on the ground in Chicago know what is going on. And there is an app for that. I can't remember the name of it off the top of my head, but it shows crime near where you are, if you are in one of the major cities that it tracks, NYC, Chicago, LA, Seattle, Boston (?) and a few others are included.

    2. It is the Citizen App, and they have expanded to a whole bunch of cities since I last looked at them


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