22 January 2021

The End of The Constitution

This is what has kept me up at night. The United States is no longer a Constitutional Republic

Our Constitutional Republic died because a gaggle of corrupt Democratic politicians and election officials in Democrat cities in six states decided that they would work very hard to steal the presidential election for Joe Biden. These thieves were aided by the corrupt Democrat propaganda arm known as the mainstream media, their fascist thugs that crush descent by silencing conservatives on the social media sites that they control, and the company who made the voting machines.

In truth I think this has been coming for a long time. Congress no longer makes the laws. They are called "regulations" and they are made by the Administration. This basically started in the 1930s. When they wanted to outlaw alcohol, they needed a Constitutional Amendment. By the time they got around to other intoxicants, they just passed a law. Now the Environmental Protection Agency can declare the gasses you exhale to be illegal contaminants that must be controlled.

The courts have stopped interpreting the Constitution and have taken to making up laws as they go. That dates at least to the 1960s. Or look up the history of Qualified Immunity, or The Duty to Retreat.

It will go fast now.


  1. Hell is coming and we better get ready...

  2. Really? Which side tried to stage a violent coup a little over two weeks ago? and now, that side of the specturm is fretting about the Constitution?

    Sorry, no.

    1. There are crazy people on both sides.

      Given that Portland has been on fire for months, I don't think the Left should be calling anyone out on "violence."

      BLM activist John Sullivan at Capitol riot ARRESTED after shouting 'it's our house' and 'we got to BURN this s***'

    2. The Left staged the "violence". All for the consumption of those just like you. You may want to reference the Richstag Fire and How Hitler actually came to full power. It was just repeated by the American Fascist.

  3. I see the communist trolls are showing up all ready , making excuses for their agents provocateur . You think they wont come around for you.

  4. To Understand where we are in History may I suggest reading "THE FATE OF EMPIRES and SEARCH FOR SURVIVAL." Sir John Glubb. The Arc of an empire or nation will make sense if you know what has happened at increasing speed since Woodrow Wilsons Administration


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