08 January 2021

Not a Word about Self-defense

This article is a litany of all the ways the system doesn't help victims of stalkers. Yet somehow they never mention anything you can do to protect yourself. After 9-year fight to prosecute her stalker, woman shares story to help other survivors - ABC News

  • He was known to police as a stalker.
  • He was arrested and sentenced to a year in jail.
  • She moved.
  • A restraining order did not alter his stalking behavior.

Here is the statement that I am sure shocks people.

The move did little to discourage her stalker, Nasset said, saying he continued sending her messages that “were becoming more and more violent.” She feared that the offender would physically pursue her to Vermont, and she filed a report with the state police.

But Nasset said the police dismissed her concerns and told her, “There’s nothing we can do to help you.”

If you have a violent stalker, you need a plan for your personal protection. I would recommend a 9mm pistol, a case of ammo (if you can find it), and some instruction. Oh, and a Concealed Carry Permit is probably in order as well. I read too many stories about women who thought that "The System" would protect them. The stories usually are about their deaths at the hands of their stalkers.

This guy is in prison for 10 years. That is the sentence, anyway. (Good behavior?) So what happens when he is released in 5 or 10 years?

(The image above is by Oleg Volk. See this link.)

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