17 January 2021

A Father Protected His Daughter

From a stalker ex-boyfriend. Father Who Shot Daughter's Ex-Boyfriend Won't Be Charged, Police Say. And we should note that there was a restraining order, which did nothing.

Oh, and Texans are still armed.

So the daughter was staying with her parents, because she feared this asshole. He had trouble comprehending "It's over!" Some people just can't take a hint. There was a court order, which he ignored, and he followed the daughter to her parents' home.

At around 11 p.m. local time, the ex-boyfriend pulled up behind the daughter's car and allegedly blocked her into the driveway, according to police.

Fearing for the safety of his family, her father fired two shots from his pistol when the ex-boyfriend approached the father in an aggressive manner and refused to leave, according to Willkens.

The father of the girl shot the ex-boyfriend in the hip. I hope he won't live to regret that mercy. Center mass is always a better bet.

Cops took the ex-boyfriend into custody, but there is no word on what the charges will be. Felony stupidiy might apply, because he pulled this crap in Texas.

The father of the girl was not arrested, because self-defense, and defense of family, is a human-right.

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