Disney would make more money, if they lit a huge pile of cash on fire, and filmed it for the big screen. Forget woke Snow White. Disney's remake is more like socialist Snow White.
Aside from some folks shilling for Disney, this review seems to be on par for this movie.
So of course, we all know the question that the Evil Queen is obsessed with. "Mirror, Mirror, on the wall ..."
The remake's big idea was to twist the idea of the word "fair." See, in earlier versions of Snow White, an evil queen asks a magic mirror, "Who is the fairest of them all?" It's always the queen, until one day the mirror responds that it's actually her stepdaughter, the Princess Snow White. The question, "who is the fairest," in other words, has always been a question about beauty. But in the remake, there's something else going on. The movie goes to great lengths to demonstrate that the queen isn't fair because she's not a socialist. I am not kidding.
And the Prince has been replaced with a thief and his group of bandits.
Later, after Snow White takes up with seven computer-animated dwarfs in the forest, one of the dwarfs explains that the bandits in the woods are "only there because of the queen's greedy economic policies, which forced them there into a liminal space where ethics are harder to define." This might not be a precise word-for-word quote—the line gets spat out so fast I am not certain I transcribed it exactly right—but it's pretty close. This is a movie about how stealing is justified because of the evil queen's economic policies. She's not fair, you see, because her privilege and selfishness have impoverished ordinary people. It's Snow White by way of Occupy Wall Street.
That's right. A lecture on socialism from one of the largest entertainment companies in the world, with theme parks, and cruise ships, and - for the time at least - movie studios. They seem to be hell bent on driving the movie studios into bankruptcy.
Go see it at your own risk. I wouldn't bother to watch this movie if it was free. If you see it, let me know what you think by leaving a comment.
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