22 March 2025

Lies, Damn Lies, and (Government) Statistics

Are we surprised that NYPD cooks the books? They get rewarded for "improving the stats," so that is what they do. NYPD transit commander punished for allegedly faking NYC subway crime stats

The head of an NYPD transit district in Queens was stripped of his command amid allegations that he had police reports falsified to downplay subway crimes on his watch, sources tell The Post.

Capt. Steven Hyland, who headed Transit District 20 in Jamaica, allegedly had two sergeants and a lieutenant under his command falsify reports — even forging signatures — to play down assaults and grand larcenies in the subway system, the law enforcement sources said.

So when you see news articles proclaiming that "Crime Is Down," remember that you can't trust the numbers, because everyone has a vested interest to make sure that the numbers show that crime is down. And yes, I have seen many such articles in the past.

Oh, but don't worry. This only impacted a "handful" of cases. It's not like the whole system is corrupt, or that crime is really out of control.

Of course New Yorkers don't believe that crime is down.

1 comment:

  1. The SF bay area has been doing this for a while with BART and MUNI. You can't trust any of their figures or statics, they've all been scrubbed for PC reasons.


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