I'll take "Reasons not to bring large lithium-ion batteries into enclosed spaces" for $1000, Alex. Ban e-bikes or we’ll strike, threaten London Underground drivers after platform fire
Firefighters responded to an burning e-bike, destroyed by the fire, with no reported injuries from the incident.
The Aslef union claimed that an internal London Underground investigation concluded that the e-bike was “only moments away from boarding the train”.
30 seconds later and he would have been on a train with the doors closed. All that toxic smoke could have killed people in an enclosed space.
The transit unions are now pushing for a ban on e-bikes. I doubt they will get it, since e-bikes are the darling of the environmental crowd.
So, if an e-bike bursts into flame, and puts off loads of toxic smoke, does it still count as a "zero emission" vehicle? (Hat tip to MGUY Australia.)
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