02 February 2025

What Does New York Get for Money Spent on Schools?

Not much. We have two stories from the New York Post. First: Only a third of NYC 4th graders deemed 'proficient' in math as Big Apple students lag behind state, national averages: test scores

Despite the sky-high spending, only 33% of Big Apple fourth graders scored proficient in math and just 28% were proficient in reading last year, according to the results.

Older students’ results were even worse – 23% of city eighth graders were found proficient in math and 29% in reading.

Click thru for more statistics, including a breakdown by demographic.

The second story caught my eye. Also from the NY Post, though this is for the entire state, not just NYC. NY’s top schools chief defends hush-hush $155K raise — while not mentioning nearly $120K pension

The state’s top education honcho Betty Rosa on Wednesday defended scoring a hush-hush $155,000 raise — conveniently leaving out that she’s also double-dipping a plum pension, The Post has learned.

Rosa argued the quiet raise — a bombshell first reported by the Albany Times Union — puts her now-$489,000 annual salary as State Education Department commissioner and chair of Board of Regents more in line with a few lavishly compensated local superintendents.

She has "reasons" she needs that money. She has two homes. Or something.

Your tax dollars being wasted, or that's what it sounds like to me.

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