Now that there is no longer a Democrat in the White House, economics is suddenly a thing at the AP. From ArtistAngie at Twitchy we get this: Forget Wings, Pass the Broccoli! AP Article Suggests Trump Tariffs Are Super Bowl Snack Spoilers
We have reported on some dumb things from Associated Press articles, but this one may be the winner of the dumbest of the dumb things. In a bold move that has left football fans and snack lovers alike scratching their heads, the Associated Press suggests a drastic twist to your Super Bowl spread: swap those crowd-pleasing chicken wings for, wait for it … BROCCOLI!
Yes, you read that right. They are proposing BROCCOLI to replace wings and if you read through the article they imply that food costs are high and will be higher due to Trump's tariff proposals. *insert eye roll* Only our mainstream media could propose something so stupid and try to blame the stupidity on a President who has not even been in office for a month!
Read the whole thing.
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