Lawrence Person's BattleSwarm Blog brings us the following on Universal Basic Income, or UBI. UBI Hurts Recipients
It’s almost impossible to kill a bad lefty idea, and Universal Basic Income is one of the worst. The idea that government agencies should fork over taxpayer dollars to random people for breathing goes against the basic American ethos of freedom and hard work, so naturally lefties are in love with the idea as it being a down-payment on full-bore socialism. But it’s been tried, and failed, many times before, so much so that Charles Murray’s Losing Ground: American Social Policy 1950-1980 back in 1984 covered the colossal failure of the SIME/DIME experiments back on pages 148-152.
But mere historical failure has never deterred the radical left from pursuing their utopian schemes (“And the burnt Fool’s bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire“), so they tried to test UBI, yet again, and the result, yet again, was discouraging failure.
Progressives chooses "What sounds good" over "What has been proven to work" every time. This is another incident. Click thru for the details.
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