Pixy Misa at Ambient Irony starts us off with a lesson in economics. Daily News Stuff 17 January 2025: Okay Bye Edition
New York passed legislation requiring ISPs operating within the state to offer service for $15 to low-income customers. AT&T said "okay, bye". (Ars Technica) [SNIP]
The communists at Ars Technica are extremely upset that the entirely predictable outcome of such a law... Happened.
Meep at STUMP - Chicago Downgraded, Still Investment Grade... For Now
S&P’s comments may have been intended as a warning to Chicago. Chicago can’t afford to have their bonds slip into junk (excuse me, “below investment grade”) ratings again.
Wombat-socho - FMJRA 2.0: Reds Menace
Top linkers for the week ending January 17:
- (tied) 357 Magnum & EBL (13)
- A View From The Beach (12)
Honorable mention to First Street Journal, who fell just two links shy of making the leaderboard.
Thanks to everyone for all the links!
Miguel Gonzalez - Let the Protests begin
After a 4-year vacation, the people “who care” is once again out to stop Evil Orange Man and [fill the blank]. I am not sure what because probably they don’t have specifics.
Second City Cop has a story about a media personality in Chicago, and the media generally. See Ya Cuck!
No one likes the legacy media and when presented with an opportunity to stick it to them in courtrooms, the public is embracing the chance.
All sorts of big name TV anchors are taking massive pay cuts, newspapers are laying of 20% and upwards of newsrooms, websites are shutting down.
Tam at View From The Porch - Cold Spell
While the local television meteorologist is saying we'll only see 9°F this afternoon, Weather Underground says we could get all the way up to 12°F.
It's currently seventeen degrees in Nome, Alaska.
I do not approve of any of this.
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