17 January 2025

The Mayor of LA and the Governor of California Wanted the City to Burn

Michael Shellenberger just doesn't buy the line fielded by the Mayor of LA or the Governor of California. California Governor And L.A. Mayor Diverted Billions From Fire-Fighting To Migrant, Homeless, And Climate Subsidies

Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass claims that her $17.5 million cut to the LA Fire Department budget did not impact the department’s ability to prevent or fight fires. But the LA Fire Chief told CNN that “the $17 million budget cut… did absolutely negatively impact” the Department’s ability to respond to the fires.

And now a video released yesterday by NewsNation, which was shot by a former employee of Kamala Harris, shows that it took the LA Fire Department 45 minutes to respond to the Pacific Palisades fire.

Nobody who is that bad at their job - unless you're a California politician - gets to keep their job.

There is a short video at the link above.

Here is a long video. A two hour and 15 minute interview between Michael Shellenberger and Tucker Carlson: Tucker Carlson and Michael Shellenberger Break Down the California Fires. I think it is worth the time, and it covers more than the fires in 2 hours.

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