And they are starting in sanctuary cities. 'F*** Trump! Biden Forever!': Haitian Criminal Goes Ballistic As ICE Gets to Work Rounding Up Illegals
A Fox News Report captured video of the ICE raids currently happening in Boston. They're successfully capturing and transporting illegal migrants in the "sanctuary city," and one of them had some choice words to scream out of the window as he was being taken away.
"F*** Trump! You feel me? Yo, Biden forever, bro!" shouted the Haitian gangster. "Thank Obama for everything he did for me, bro!"
You can find a 1 minute video at this link. It includes the statement by the Haitian quoted above.
Homan said that he'd be targeting sanctuary cities, which is a smart move as this is where many illegal immigrants would likely go to feel safe. Local officials may not work with ICE, making their job harder; however, this isn't going to stop ICE from accomplishing their mission.
Go read the whole thing.
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