Wombat-socho starts us off with a bit of New Year's pessimism. "New Year, New Me? What bullshit."
Thus a drunken female passenger opined some years ago regarding the New Year, and I have to agree. Much like birthdays, NYE is an arbitrary point in the year when people think everything's going to change, when we all know it won't.
The Post Millennial - Portland city commissioner threatens lawsuit for lack of police protection after Antifa firebombed his father's car during mayoral race
[Portland City Commissioner Rene] Gonzalez, a moderate Democrat, accused the city in a tort claim of failing to protect candidates who had frequently received threats of violence, particularly from anarchist Antifa activists. He also eviscerated biased local journalists for failing to accurately report on far-left "political violence" throughout the years.
Moonbattery - New Year’s Islamic Outreach in New Orleans
No need to travel all the way to Europe to witness the exciting carnage that immigrants from Muslim lands employ to enrich the multicultural tapestry. The thrill associated with German Christmas markets can be had right in New Orleans.
Standing By - Teaching the Anti-Gunners to Tolerate Guns
On Monday, I had a post entitled I am not holding my breath speculating on the thought that a Trump administration might pass and sign nationwide concealed carry. Today, at Bearing Arms Ryan Petty has an article entitled National Constitutional Carry: The Second Amendment As Written that takes it a step further and to the ultimate goal of Constitutional Carry nationwide.
The Feral Irishman - Charlie Foxtrot New Orleans
I am not sure if I am angrier about the commies for fostering this "mass migration"/lawless movement or the effbeeeye clown denying the obvious from the get go. If the person who made this ridiculous statement, knowing it was lie when they told it, just happened to show up on Bourbon Street publicly whipped, tarred, feathered, and made to wear a sign saying "I am a known liar" for few days the next talking head would think twice before making such a statement to the American public.
Pixy Misa at Ambient Irony - Daily News Stuff 2 January 2025: Nerpy Merp Derp Edition
California seeks to fix soaring insurance premiums and outright lack of coverage due to wildfires caused by the state's incompetent forestry policy by... Making things worse. (Fast Company)
We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas.
The Other McCain - Terrorism on Bourbon Street
Both of these guys being military veterans, and both striking on the same day? Both using electric vehicles rented through the same online app? Maybe just a coincidence, but maybe not.
Miguel Gonzalez - I am getting old...
First, I don’t care for New Year’s celebration. I believe I was in bed by 8 pm and may have heard some detonation later that night (This is Tennessee after all.) But what really is messing me up is that I felt all day like it was the weekend.
Bear Bussjaeger - It’s New Orleans; of course they didn’t work.
So forget working or not. They installed them wrong. Either positioned wrong, or not enough off them. You could just drive around them.
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