03 January 2025

Cops Get Another Address Wrong, Kill Another Homeowner

Someone needs to teach the police how to read a freaking map. Neighbors: Police killed man after serving warrant to wrong home

Cops go to a home, in the early morning hours, to "serve a warrant." They claim the homeowner pointed a gun at them, and they killed him. But it turns out that they are not telling the whole story.

"But now everything is breaking out, whether the search warrant was for 489, which is right here on this corner, two doors down from Doug. They are looking for the guy that lives there in that house for a stolen weed eater."

A weed eater? A freakin' weed eater is worth an early morning police raid? They didn't say, but I imagine this was what passes for a SWAT team in London, Kentucky.

I checked the Stihl website. Their best commercial weed eater is $550. Their best residential model is $340. Let's assume that there is a more expensive brand than Stihl, though they are probably the best when it comes to lawn care equipment like this, and the weed eater in question was $700. How in the name of all that is holy does this require a predawn raid? (One neighbor spoke of being woken up by the gunfire.)

London, Kentucky is about an hour and 15 minute drive south of Lexington, or about an hour and a half drive north of Knoxville, Tennessee.

So cops went to deliver a warrant over $500, went to the wrong house, and killed a man, 61-year-old Doug Harless, who probably thought it was a home invasion in progress.

The police and the mayor are in CYA mode, "issuing statements."

Nothing will happen to these cops. Nothing will change.

Hat tip to Clayton Cramer: Bad Warrants Matter.

A stolen weed eater in much of America would barely produce a police report for the insurer. This is absurd.


  1. I'm going to speculate that an CI claimed to have bought drugs at the location, police didn't have enough to get a search warrant and used the weed eater as an excuse. Than as you say "People in KY are armed".

  2. I hope Doug Harless's family get a really top notch law firm and go after the City and PD hammer and tongs.

    1. Only if it is enough to bankrupt the city to the point that they have to fire a large portion of the police force, that would include every one of the officers in question.

      A "no knock" warrant? Were they afraid he was going to flush the weed eater down the toilet?


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