14 November 2024

Justice Has Not Been Served in This Case

This case should probably never have been brought to trial, but prosecutors in deep blue Massachusetts HATE self-defense. Woman Acquitted In Fatal Stabbing At Stone Horse Dormitories In 2022

According to police reports of the incident, Brown and Drysdale were together in her room that morning, and she was making breakfast when he made sexual advances. Brown’s defense team argued that she had suffered a history of domestic violence at Drysdale’s hands, and the stabbing was an act of self defense.

But prosecutors charged her, and held her in jail for 2 years awaiting trial.

It took the jury less than 24 hours to hand down not guilty verdicts in the case, one for the charge of murder and one for assault and battery with a dangerous weapon causing serious bodily injury.

Harwich, Massachusetts is on Cape Cod, about an 80 mile drive from Boston.

Why does any sane person live in Massachusetts?

While she was in jail awaiting trial, her visa expired.

Self-defense is a human right, but they don't like that in Massachusetts.


  1. Wrecked her life because she didn't want to get raped. The Jury understood what happened, but the DA couldn't? Sorry people.


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