08 October 2024

Lies, Damn Lies, and Government Statistics

I'm shocked - Shocked, I tell you - to find that the government can't count. Biden's FBI quietly revises 2022 crime stats for the worse

Actually I'm shocked that they updated these statistics prior to the election.

Yet, with crime a central issue in this year’s election, he and the mainstream media have carefully ignored evidence that the FBI may be fudging its numbers — much like the way the Bureau of Labor Statistics massively overestimated the number of jobs created during the Biden-Harris administration.

You're not saying that the government is LYING to us, are you? Oh, sorry, of course they are lying.

But at the same time — and much more quietly — the FBI revised its earlier data for 2022, turning a reported decrease into a worrisome increase in violent crime.

Click thru for details.

Hat tip to Second City Cop: The feebs Lied Again?

"Crime is down" democrats claimed....in campaign ads, at the debates, in interviews. We joined in the rebuttals pointing out that crime stats gathered by the feebs did not include New York City, Los Angeles and dozens of other jurisdictions.

More signs that the Deep State is not a conspiracy.

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