28 October 2024

Chicago Cop and Concealed Carry License Holder Save Dog Attack Victim

Does the media want you to concentrate the canines and ignore the human victim? Chicago police officer, CCL holder fatally shoot 2 dogs in Auburn Gresham, officials say

Not sure why this is in the news now, given that the incident happened in September.

A Chicago Police Department officer who was patrolling the area saw a victim being attacked by two dogs and approached them. A concerned citizen with a concealed-carry license also approached.

The CCL holder shot their firearm, killing one of the dogs and wounding the other, COPA said. The injured dog remained next to the victim as they were being treated for injuries by the Chicago Fire Department, and "as a result, the officer discharged their firearm, fatally wounding the second dog," COPA said in a news release.

I'm sure that The Civilian Office of Police Accountability is doing everything they can to charge the cop with something. It's what they do. Impartial? Don't be ridiculous. Nothing in Chicago is impartial. Most especially not the media, or COPA.

And people need to keep their animals under control.

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