02 September 2024

Where Were You?

I was introduced to The Defiant when Pete Prada, the drummer, was interviewed by Clifton Duncan. During the whole lockdown, and other, insanity of 2020 and 2021, Pete Prada was let go from his gig as drummer for The Offspring because he didn't get the jab. He had a medical reason for not getting the jab, and had taken that position with advice from his doctor. That didn't matter. Do what we say. Don't clutter the issue with facts. Etc.

This song is "Where Were You?" by The Defiant from their 2023 album If We're Being Honest.

You can find Pete Parada's interview with Clifton Duncan at the following link. Why Didn't Artists #Resist? Only the first half, or so, of the interview is on YouTube, because it is too spicy for YouTube. (It says bad things about the .gov's response to the Couf! That link is to the full interview on Rumble. The interview is just over an hour.


  1. Why didn't artists resist?

    Most artists are Leftists or Left leaning. The think this is revolutionary and individualistic.

    The problem is that the the political Left is paternalistic and authoritarian. The Left is happy to let you think you are fighting the power until you don't agree with them. Then you find out that you are what they call a "useful idiot".

    1. Clifton Duncan has a lot to say on that front. He is black, so he's allowed to use a version of the "N" word to express what was done to people.

      He has interviewed Pete Parada, Gina Carano, and a few others. There is a video of a talk he gave somewhere that covers what was done to him as well. They are all on YT so easy to find.

      He also has a couple of interviews that cover how the theater scene in NYC went completely authoritarian, and wasn't bothered by it at all.

    2. I was a big fan of The Mighty Mighty Bosstones. Interesting what happened there, too, with Dicky Barrett.


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