11 September 2024


I love a song that includes a well-written, and well-played, vibraphone. The version we have of today's song certainly qualifies.

Today's song was written in 1958, and recorded sometime between 1958 and 1960, but the album wasn't released until 2013. Don't ask me why. Record companies can be stupid sometimes. (Most of the time?) There were probably issues with the rights somehow. At least we got it eventually, and Michael Garrick did release a live version of the song in 1964, which is almost 3 times as long.

But I love the quality of studio recordings from the 1950s and '60s. People had to work to get decent takes. Everything was on tape, there was no AutoTune, and you couldn't fill in with digital instruments. Recording was expensive, and you couldn't "fix it later." They only bothered to record with musicians who were good.

This is "Vishnu" by the Michael Garrick Quartet. It is from the 2013 album Kronos.

Michael Garrick (30 May 1933 – 11 November 2011) was a jazz pianist and band leader from Enfield, Middlesex, United Kingdom. He was known for having poetry recitations in the middle of his jazz concerts. That 1964 album I mentioned above was titled Poetry and Jazz in Concert.

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