24 September 2024

Tuesday Links - 24 September

Pixy Misa at Ambient Irony is up first with Daily News Stuff 21 September 2024: Fried Chimken Edition

Concord [the video game] reportedly cost a total of $400 million to develop. (PlayStation Lifestyle)

This is the game that Sony shut down less than two weeks after launch, at which point it had around 100 players. Total. Worldwide.

Insiders have said that the game had already cost $200 million to develop by the start of 2023, at which point it was in a "laughable state". Sony spent another $200 million getting additional studios to clean it up and create pre-rendered content.

SiGraybeard - Small Space News Story Roundup 43

So... why these three stories? Doesn't the total of the three imply Europe has lost their ability to conduct a space program? The new rocket needs a fix - it doesn't sound big, but everyone thought it was fine before the last launch. Going to Japan for H3 launches? Implies the bigger Ariane rockets aren't ready or available. Complaining about SpaceX?

Red State - Is Nothing Sacred? Islamist Attacks in Germany Prompt Heightened Security for Oktoberfest.Is Nothing Sacred? Islamist Attacks in Germany Prompt Heightened Security for Oktoberfest.

It's that time of year again, wherein people flock to Munich where the men put on leather shorts and lederhosen, and the women, dirndls, to celebrate one of Germany's greatest traditions - Oktoberfest.

But this year it's a little different. Oh, the beer will still flow freely, and there will be ample supplies of wiener schnitzel and sausages, and cries of "Zicke zacke, zicke zacke, hoi hoi hoi!" will still echo across the venue. The polka bands will still play, and inebriated partyers will still attempt to dance.

But this year, attacks by Islamist nutbags are prompting heightened security

Professor David Yamane at Gun Culture 2.0 - Guns and Their Cultured Despisers

I may be referring more in the future to the bane of my existence as someone trying to offer a more complex view of guns and gun culture in America:

“Liberal cultured despisers of guns”

Even worse, gatekeeping liberal cultured despisers of guns.

Geez - Ballots that arrived at my friend Jerry’s house;

Remind me; when did sending (multiple) ballots to everyone start? Remember when you had to request an absentee ballot? Whose idea was this?

Chicago Boyz - Heart of Cats

Cheney’s endorsement of Kamala reminded me of the role that “Never Trumpers” play in our political system. They form a “normative boundary” on the right-side of the political system which enables the Left to tar anybody outside of that boundary as “extremist” or “far-right.” Think of Dick Cheney, Mitt Romney, and the rest as the Great Wall of the Establishment Right, beyond which rage the marauding hordes of Trumpist populism and MAGA who will never get invited inside for fellowships or Bethesda wine tastings

Clayton Cramer - Not Stitches After All. He continues on his road to recovery.

I went in for post-op examination today. The P-A looked over all the stitches and said i was healing very well. And nome of these stitches are stitches. They are all glue. She says they produce much smaller and better looking scars than stitches.

And Wombat-socho - FMJRA 2.0: One Last Series

Top linkers for the week ending September 20:

  1.  EBL (11)
  2.  (tied) 357 Magnum & A View From The Beach (10)

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