03 September 2024

The Science of Harsh Vocals

The way singers produce harsh vocals is not known. People who study this kind of thing have proven to be completely disinterested in studying it? Why? It isn't fashionable.

Elizabeth Zharoff (The Charismatic Voice) is a classically trained singer who has, somehow, come to love Heavy Metal, and in particular she is fascinated by harsh vocals. And so we have today's video.

Since researchers aren't interested in doing the research, and grant makers aren't interested in doing grants, she has paid for some research on her own, and has started a Kickstarter to fund more.

She teamed up with Will Ramos of Lorna Shore for some of the initial work, and she is trying to get more artists involved. It is a problem because paying for travel, or getting researchers in Europe to take on part of the work costs money.

This is The Charismatic Voice video The Most Important Video You Ever Watch! It covers some of the initial work done and the Kickstarter levels and benefits. The entry level of support is only $2.

You can find the Kickstarter at this link: Fund Vocal Research with The Charismatic Voice

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