19 September 2024

The Process is the Punishment - Free Speech Silenced in the UK

In that place where Great Britain used to be, Free Speech is nearly gone.

Bernie Spofforth copied/pasted a tweet on X. When she learned it was in error, she deleted it. That didn't matter. She was arrested, jailed, and banned (by bail conditions) from using all social media. The "Professional Journalists" and activists (but I repeat myself) were mostly behind the campaign to have her silenced.

Journalists and the media organizations gained clicks and had a lot of stuff to say. People who disagreed with the government were silenced, because she was an example of exactly what will happen if you question the policies of the government.

In the end, no continued legal action was taken, because Free Speech isn't quite dead in the UK. Not quite.

This is the Mahyar Tousi TV video Woman Arrested By Starmer During 'UK Riots' Speaks Out.

They say they support Free Speech, but they mean only the speech they agree with. They say they support dialogue, but only the dialogue that agrees with their worldview, and they say they want equality, but they don't mean for people who think differently to them.

The video is only about 7 minutes; I believe it is worth your time.

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