11 September 2024

Never Forget - September 11th 2001

Most people remember exactly where they were that day, and how they found out.

Here is a post from 2020, at the archives, that covers everything I have to say today. September 11th, except for one thing. Why have we forgotten. Not everyone, but a lot of people...

And here's a story of an unlikely hero, that is also worth remembering. (Shamelessly stolen from myself.)

Steve Buscemi I found this fairly interesting. The Famous Actor You Didn’t Know Was a Hero Firefighter in the Wake of 9/11.

The destruction of the World Trade Center left lower Manhattan in such ruin that it took nine months and an army of volunteers to complete the search for the remains of the deceased. Among the first people to volunteer in the recovery effort was actor Steve Buscemi.

He had been a firefighter in New York before he became an actor. Click thru.

The image is of Steve Buscemi from 1996, taken in Silverlake / Los Angeles. It is here via WikiMedia.

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