16 September 2024

How Is That Criminal Justice Reform Working Out? - UK Edition

To be fair, he didn't commit the rape after release... But why was he released? UK: Rapist Released Due To “Prison Overcrowding” Arrested On Suspicion Of Rape SECONDS After Walking Free

He was arrested on a charge for a crime committed before he went to prison. Still, probably wouldn't be my first choice for early release.

Introduced by newly-elected left-wing Prime Minister Keir Starmer, the early release initiative had sparked controversy before the prisoners had even started being released. But the re-arrest of the 28-year-old renews questions about the vetting process for early release selections and why an individual facing such serious allegations was considered for the program.

Political fallout? Don't be ridiculous. The press has the government's back. Besides they need all of the prison space for people saying mean things about the government on F*c*book and X and wherever else.

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