13 September 2024

Friday Links - Triskaidekaphobia Edition

Clayton Cramer starts us off with his 1st post following major surgery. Life Lessons From Open-Heart Surgery

As I prepared to leave the hospital Monday, my suregeon approached and asked how I felt, I told him that I had authoritiezed payment of $200,000 plus for the greatest misery that i have ever experienced, but in eight weeks, i expected to thank him for it.

Lincoln Brown at PJ Media - Disney Adults and High Strangeness

In these uncertain and trying times, it is beneficial to occasionally take a step back and marvel at someone with genuine First-World problems and a serious disconnect from reality.

Moonbattery - Men Erased in UN Newspeak Dictionary Updates

Thanks to social engineers, women are undergoing erasure. By the time they are done pruning the Newspeak Dictionary, there won’t be such a thing as men either.

The Daily Mail reports that the word “Englishman” has been banned:

Townhall - Witness Has the Best Response to Dem Claiming Republicans Are 'Exploiting' Victims of Illegal Alien Crime

The House Judiciary Committee held a hearing on Capitol Hill Tuesday featuring victims of illegal alien crime, family members and victims rights advocates.

Again from Clayton Cramer - How Bad Could It Be?

Worse than I imagined.

The Other McCain - Debate Night: America in the Balance

Feel free to use the comments as a sort of open thread. While I don’t expect to live-blog the debate, I will try to throw some new stuff in periodically.

And again from The Other McCain - Springfield Gets What It Deserves

You see that, if the Democrats can turn these Haitians into voters, they can make Clark County “blue,” and a similar calculus is being applied nationwide by the Biden administration’s immigration policy. Democrats insist that the “Great Replacement” is a right-wing conspiracy theory, but we can see them doing it — blatantly, deliberately, in front of our eyes — in places like Springfield.

William Teach at Pirate's Cove - Climate Cult Surprised That Global Boiling Not At Center Of 2024 Elections

Seriously, there has been almost no election in the U.S. or other countries for which ‘climate change’ is the centerpiece. One of the few for it was was in Queensland, Australian in 2012, where people obliterated the majority party over their climate policies, wanting them rolled back.

Mike Rowe - Talking Points and Scotch with Vinnie Tortorich (Ep. 404)

The “food pyramid” we all grew up with doesn’t work. In fact, it was a deliberate fraud based on no science or fact whatsoever. And today, our grocery stores are filled with highly processed foods that are marketed in ways that are downright deceptive.

Pixy Misa at Ambient Irony - Daily News Stuff 12 September 2024: Freeze Dried Spam In A Bottle Edition

This bubble has holes in it. (The Register)

AI in general is not all nonsense. But generative AI, which has sucked all the oxygen out of the AI room, is actually useful for very few of the purposes to which it is being put.

Tuna at Chant du Départ - The Red Pill Has Some Side Effects

The the thing about those posts, my likes and shares, is that it is a permanent record of my beliefs and strong opinions against our totalitarian-trending state. It's not hard totalitarianism, they aren't coming and arresting me for what I'm saying, but the minders in in Mountain View California*, those little birds and ears of the government, are watching what I say. And their algorithms put me into a special category of people who might be of concern¹, ones who are not supportive of events that are taking place.

The Other McCain again - Trump: I Won, No More Debates

This is a bold move, and can only be explained by Duane Patterson’s question: “If Kamala Won the Debate, Why Is Trump Gaining Ground?” Counter-intuitive as it may seem — because Trump had a lousy debate performance — it appears that many undecided voters moved in favor of Trump as a result. Or, to put it another way, these voters didn’t see from Kamala Harris whatever it was they had needed to see in order to vote for her.

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