20 September 2024

Friday Links - 20 September

Professor Yamane at Gun Culture 2.0 is first with Student Gun Range Field Trip Reflection Essays for Fall 2024 Forthcoming

Later this week, I will begin posting some of the field trip reflection essays my Sociology of Guns students were required to submit following our visit to Veterans Range at the start of this semester.

The field trip is historically a highlight of the course for students and the reflection essays are among the most popular items I post to my blogs every year.

Jack Hadfield at The Publica - UK: Judge Orders Victim Of Pakistani Grooming Gang To Delete Her Request To Have Her Rapists Deported

GB News discovered that the speech was heavily censored by the judge, with multiple sections erased due to restrictions they imposed. “I’d like to request that after sentencing and upon Rudy and Showabe’s release, that they should be deported back to Pakistan as this is where they originated from and came here to exploit children,” the original uncensored conclusion of the statement read.

Raw Egg Nationalist at The American Mind - Disrupting the Right

Like the Business Insider doxx that almost was, Hope Not Hate’s eggsposé is an obvious parallel construction. A parallel construction, if you don’t know, is what law enforcement and journalists do when they want to hide their sources. Let’s say you’re a journalist and you obtained a crucial piece of evidence by illegal means. Perhaps you contacted a farm-shop owner and got them to break data-protection laws and reveal customer data (even trying to solicit this is a crime, I might add). So what do you do? You make up a plausible story to explain how you got that evidence legally. An anonymous tip off, a social-media post of a distinctive-looking cat you were able to trace—anything.

The Daily Signal - ABC News Correspondent Says Harris Failed to Provide ‘Specific’ Answers ‘Multiple Times’ During Interview

ABC News’ senior White House correspondent Selina Wang on Tuesday said Vice President Kamala Harris often did not offer detailed responses during her National Association of Black Journalists interview.

The Other McCain - A Message From the Mossad

Apparently, Mossad agents penetrated the supply chain by which Hezbollah was obtaining its electronic communications devices, but there’s a lot of finger-point between the Taiwanese manufacturer and the Hungarian middleman about how this could have happened. At any rate, the Mossad reportedly inserted pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN), “a highly explosive material,” inside the batteries of the devices, which “were then detonated by an external signal that caused the batteries inside to overheat.”

Pixy Misa at Ambient Irony - Daily News Stuff 19 September 2024: Dorayaki Derangement Edition

Congress is also working on legislation that would require AM radios in all new cars made in the US. (The Verge)

As standard equipment, with no bullshit.

Car makers are upset because this could add as much as a dollar to the cost of building a car.

It's not for music or talk radio, but to provide a standard method for emergency broadcasts.

SiGraybeard - About Those FAA Fines on SpaceX

There have been headlines in the news aggregators for the last couple of days that FAA has announced big fines against SpaceX for alleged safety violations. The number being quoted is $633,000. Today, the story was changed to SpaceX saying they'll sue the FAA for regulatory overreach.

Again from The Other McCain - The Only Trick in Their Bag

Look, I get it: Biden put Democrats in a bad spot. He could have — and should have — announced in early 2023 that he would not seek a second term, thereby making it possible for Democrats to have a primary to choose their 2024 presidential candidate. Unfortunately for Democrats, while senile dementia diminishes many cognitive functions, it does not diminish egotism.

The Feral Irishman - Explosive Device Found. Explosive Device Not Found. Now, Incident Renamed As A "Suspicious Occurrence".

It looks like the ministry of propaganda is "deep sixing" this story too.

Moonbattery - Californians Push Back Against Democrats on Crime

Prop 36 would undo some of the damage inflicted when California moonbats effectively legalized shoplifting by making any theft under $950 a misdemeanor.

Meep at Stump - Drug OD Deaths Down... It's Okay News, I Guess

10.6% is not a “plummet”.

This is a sad attempt at selling an okay decrease after a horrific climb as some fantastic breakthrough.

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