29 September 2024

Are Burning Lithium-Ion Batteries Still Considered "Green" Tech?

It is hard to be sure what is considered green. (Pay no attention to the environmental devastation caused by lithium mining, or nickel mining, or the human suffering that goes along with cobalt mining.)

Firefighters are battling a major blaze at the Port of Montreal at this hour. According to reports, the fire originated in a container containing about 15,000kg of lithium batteries....

People have had to evacuate, because the burning batteries create VERY toxic fumes.

One of the things lithium-ion batteries do is catch fire. When they do, it is hard to put them out, because they contain their own oxidizer. That means they will burn underwater. I think they will burn in a vacuum, but I'm not sure. Water is used to reduce the temperature below the ignition point. You need a lot of water.

Some of the responses were funny:

Who wants to go for a nice safe ride on one of these "green" EV busses?

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