15 September 2024

Amazon Rings of Prime - The Vanity Project that Couldn't

Jeff Bezos wanted a Game of Thrones level hit, so he paid a lot of money for the rights to a very small piece of Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. But then he decided that he could improve it. He, and his team, have not improved it. More Bad News For ‘Rings Of Power’ As Amazon Reveals Sharp Viewership Decline From Season 1

All the figures in this article are "according to Amazon." We won't have Nielsen data on actual viewership for another week or three. We do have Samba TV numbers, but that is another story.

According to Amazon, Season 2 has reached 40 million viewers in 11 days. But what this means exactly is a bit harder to say. As Variety reports: “It’s difficult to put the stat in full context, as Amazon has not defined how it quantifies its viewership; for example, 40 million could simply be the number of people who watched any portion of the available episodes.”

When you sift all of the data, you are left with the following conclusion.

Clearly this represents a massive decline in viewer numbers season-over-season.

And when they say even that much, they are talking about the season premiere, and the first few episodes. Roughly 60% of the people who watched the season one premiere had given up on the show by the time the season ended. Season two is worse.

It’s a shame. I was very much hoping that a big-budget live-action Middle-earth series would scratch that epic fantasy itch. Instead, the series was given to untested showrunners who clearly were in way over their heads. Whatever hopes I had that they would listen to criticism and come back with an improved second season were quickly dashed.

At this point it is a vanity project of Bezos, that is being written as Fan-Fic shipping Galadriel and Sauron. Which just by itself is a travesty. The only justice is that Bezos essentially took a huge pile of money and set it on fire.

This is the Nerdrotic Daily video FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT! 'The Rings of Power' Season 2 Ratings Are IN THE GUTTER!!! This is an 11 minute excerpt of Wednesday's Nerdrotic Nooner with Gary "Nerdrotic" Buechler, Chris Gore of Film Threat, and X-Ray Girl.

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