09 September 2024

A Review of Summer In Chicago

HeyJackass! brings us the recap on The Summer of Silly Decisions. (A saying of Mayor Brandon Johnson, perhaps the worst mayor Chicago has seen in my lifetime.)

This year has been a copy/paste of last year (a carbon copy for you older folks). The current trend puts 2024’s final numbers on pace with last year aside from one key factor, fatality rate. This year’s fatality rate is running a full two percentage points lower than last year which works out to be around 60 fewer homicides despite the same number of people shot. Therefore, we’re looking to end the year at about 600 homicides with 3,000-ish total people shot. The one wild card here is the election.

The final tally was 225 killed, 953 shot, and wounded. It was slightly worse than 2023, but close enough to be statistically the same. 2020 through 2022 were MUCH worse, but 2014 through 2019 were much better, except for 2018 which for some reason was similar to 2024.

Click through for the detailed stats, like the number shot, stabbed, beaten, the number of selfies, and #ShotInTheAss.

The Summer Shooting Season runs from 12p Friday of Memorial Day weekend thru 6a Tuesday of Labor Day weekend. 2014, 2016-2019, 2021-2024 = 101 days, 18 hours or 2,442 hours. 2015 & 2020 = 108 days, 18 hours or 2,610 hours.

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