28 August 2024

Wednesday Link Roundup

William Teach at Pirate's Cove is up first with Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

  1. Moonbattery: Australian Court Abolishes Womanhood
  2. Neo-neocon: The Democrats’ 2024 campaign: it’s lies all the way down

DaleyGator at If You are Left you ain't Right - Weekend Linky Love

Diogenes hates me, almost as much as MSNBS hates America
Daniel Greenfield, is just not a fan of Kamala

Wombat-socho - In The Mailbox: 08.26.24

American Conservative: A Double Funeral
American Greatness: Harris, Walz, and a Peculiar Definition of ‘Freedom’

EBL - Diversity Is Out Strength: Solingen, Germany 🕋🔪🤔🫨😲

German mass stabbing suspect is a Syrian refugee who was inspired by ISIS
What Germany did to its own society is so self destructive.

A View from the Beach - Flotsam and Jetsam - JFK Jr's Revenge

At Hat Hair, Pollsters Running the Numbers on RFK Jr Endorsement Finding Net Gain for Trump. Rich Baris The People's Pundit@Peoples_Pundit, "Fairly close to what we have and are still finding."

Pixy Misa at Ambient Irony - Daily News Stuff 27 August 2024: Fine-ish Wine Edition

The FBI's secure data storage facility is just piles of hard drives lying around in a warehouse. (The Register)
Top men.

Vlad Tepes - Are we seeing the death rattle of freedom of speech in the West? Links 1 for August 25, 2024

1. VP Pick for the unelected Democrat presidential candidate for president, Walz explains why there is no free speech in the US where he doesn’t want any

Again from Wombat-socho - In The Mailbox: 08.27.24

Victory Girls: Mark Zuckerberg, Zuckerbucks and Censorship
Volokh Conspiracy: Participating in Black Lives Matter Protest Isn’t Protected by Federal Labor Law

Political Hat - News of the Week (August 25th, 2024)

Tanker Adrift After Multiple Attacks in Red Sea
A Greek-flagged tanker was adrift in the Red Sea on Wednesday after repeated attacks that started a fire on the vessel

Small Dead Animals - Sunday On Turtle Island

Blackie’s Canada: A judge engaged in residential school denialism? A letter to five Canadian churches.
Comrade Kamala’s America: Paul Joseph Watson – This could change everything.

Gates of Vienna - News Feed 8/26/2024

Former Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard on Monday endorsed GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump during a National Guard conference in battleground Michigan in which she praised Trump for his foreign policy as president.

Don Surber - Highlights of the week

ITEM 2: The New York Post reported, “FBI investigates how maggots got into DNC breakfast in Chicago.”
They had press credentials.

Bacon Time!!!! - Sunday Linkage

The Air Vent - Chicken Brains
Watts Up With That? - The Energy Transition Ain’t Happening: “Clean Fuels”

Cafe Hayek - Some Links

Bryan Riley warns of the huge tax hike that will fall especially heavily on poor Americans, if Sherrod Brown and other protectionists get they way in this

Maggie's Farm - Monday afternoon links

The Strange Paradoxes Of The Cult Of Safety First!
Will we survive the sex war? The era of eros is coming to a close

J.J. Sefton at Ace of Spades HQ - The Morning Report — 8/27/24

Daniel Greenfield: Come to an elected official and offer his office $625,000 to change a policy and that's bribery.
A Foundation Has Been Bribing Cities to Free Criminals

Doug Ross - Larwyn’s Linx: The Left’s Swift Shift After RFK Jr.’s Trump Endorsement

• The Food on Your Table is Literally at Stake Don Wright
• D.C. Swamp-Dwellers Say It Doesn’t Matter Who Wins the Presidency, They’ll Do What They Want Robert Spencer

I leave you with Sunday Funnies For 08-25-24: The Mostly Kamala Edition from Stately McDaniel Manor, Sunday Funnies from Flopping Aces, Your funny for today from Miguel Gonzalez, and Fucking Mondays..... gifdump from Wirecutter.

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