27 August 2024

Tuesday Links - 27 August

Pixy Misa at Ambient Irony starts us off with an update on the global tech meltdown from from last month. Daily News Stuff 24 August 2024: Faster Please Edition

Microsoft has scheduled a security summit for September 10 to discuss what it plans to do about those idiots at Crowdstrike. (Ars Technica)

Well, that's not how they worded it, but it's what they mean.

Disclaimer: Dip 'em in barbecue sauce and bury 'em head-first in a fire ant nest.

Jihad Watch has a story about the end of Free Speech in that place were Great Britain used to be. UN Warns UK to crack down on ‘racist hate speech,’ including by politicians and public figures

The UN is where the world’s biggest human rights violators comfortably reside on the backs of big Western donors. It is now lecturing the UK about “racism.”

Miguel Gonzalez - The Cancel Wars

Some people are actually out of all social media. Good, that is their choice and if it works for them, twice the blessings. I choose to be in because I can stay in touch with liked-minded assholes like me, very amusing and lovely ladies and get a dose of funny stuff I sometime share with you guys in this place.

Also from Miguel Gonzalez It is no longer "Gang-Related"

“Targeted” is the new buzzword/substitution of gang shooting and I am quite sure you have seen it used a lot in your local video or paper rag. It is a nice deflection to make people feel horrified at the crime, yet not afraid that they could be next because they are not involved in bad stuff thus cannot be targeted.

The Other McCain - ‘Public Service Homicide’ in Killadelphia

While I would be perfectly happy to see the killers of “YBC Dul” also go to prison — a further reduction in the criminal street population is always beneficial — maybe solving this homicide is not a top priority for Philadelphia police, because the city became a safer place the moment “YBC Dul” died.

Lone Star Parson - Kebobs - Cooking With LSP

Cooking with LSP? you say in that credulity mixed with scorn voice. But not so fast, punters, it can be done. First up, buy some 80/20 ground beef, if you can afford such a thing. I know, not easy. Then, if you're rich, put it in the fridge and think yourself lucky that you were actually able to afford meat.

Twitchy - Thanks to Woke Nonsense, We'll Soon Be a Navy of One: Navy Sidelines 17 Ships Citing Lack of Manpower

There is no institution, no tradition, no intellectual property, and no policy the Left won't undermine/destroy if it stands in the way of their woke ideology.

Tam at View From The Porch - One of the globe's historically bad neighborhoods

It says something about how messed up that part of the world is that, not having read the story yet, I'm not 100% sure which direction the boat was going.

Wombat-socho - Rule 5 Sunday: Sydney Sweeney IS Black Cat!

The latest news from RUMINT: Sydney Sweeney is being considered for the role of Black Cat/Felicia Hardy, sometime girlfriend and sometime adversary of Spiderman.

Glenn Harlan Reynolds at Substack - Out: Soccer Moms and Security Moms. In: Health Moms.

What matters for the election is that RFK, Jr. is talking about that stuff — under the rubric of “Make America Healthy Again” — and the Health Moms are listening, and now he’s endorsed Trump.

The Other McCain - What Is a ‘Conspiracy Theory’?

Permit me to point out that socialism is itself based on a conspiracy theory, a paranoid fear of “capitalism.” This is especially true of Marxism. The whole appeal of Bernie Sanders is that he panders to the anti-corporate paranoia of his supporters, and if you’ve spent any time at all with “Bernie Bros,” you know how kooky they are.

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