13 August 2024

Tuesday Links - 13 August

First Street Journal has a story of fighting antisemitism at Columbia to start things off. Hit the road, Jack! (Three anti-Semitic Columbia deans 'were resigned')

The Times subtitle tells the reader everything that he needs to know: a fourth dean, who has academic tenure, did not resign, which means that the three who did leave resigned ahead of being fired. Firing a tenured person is much more difficult, so professor Josef Sorett, a scholar on religion and race, who did not participate to the same extent as Susan Chang-Kim, vice dean and chief administrative officer, Cristen Kromm, dean of undergraduate student life, and Matthew Patashnick, associate dean for student and family support, gets to keep his job.

Impro Guns - Illicit SMG Factory Raided in Colombia. (Click thru for the photos)

The senator of Renovación Nacional, María José Gatica, assured that this discovery represents the capacity of criminal organizations to establish complex and technically advanced operations in rural areas.

Stately McDaniel Manor - Harris/Biden: Funding The Taliban

Never mind asking why we would have any organization trying to reconstruct Afghanistan, rather than keeping a close eye on the country and bombing any terrorist training camps out of existence. Obviously, our government has an unlimited, masochistic capacity for humiliation. They also are driven to strengthen our enemies in any way possible.

Pixy Misa at Ambient Irony - Daily News Stuff 10 August 2024: Buckets Of Beans Edition

Tim Peters, a core member of the Python development team, has been suspended under the project's Code of Conduct for raising concerns about the Code of Conduct. (The Register)

We did warn you.

The Other McCain - Why Do Republicans Hate ‘Joy’?

One of the most familiar (and most annoying) games played by what Andrew Breitbart dubbed the Democrat-Media Complex is to engage in some kind of deliberate provocation, then to react with feigned shock and outrage when Republicans react to the aforesaid provocation. Republicans “pounce” or “seize” or “attack,” the headlines tell us, intending to shift our gaze away from whatever it is that Democrats have said or done, and toward the (allegedly unjustified) Republican reaction.

Wombat-socho - FMJRA 2.0: A Sight Not Seen For Quite Some Time

Top linkers for the week ending August 2:

  1. EBL (17)
  2. A View From The Beach (15)

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