10 August 2024

The Kamala Harris Non-Campaign

Fictitious Candidate Kamala Harris and Her Imaginary ‘Presidential Campaign’
Why is Kamala Harris now the Democratic presidential candidate? Perhaps you’ve forgotten, so let me remind you. After the June 27 debate debacle for Joe Biden, it took about three weeks for the party bosses to convince Joe he had to go, and why? Because his meltdown was so bad as to make it impossible for Democrats to have any hope of recapturing the House of Representatives, and put Chuck Schumer’s Senate majority in jeopardy. This prospect of down-ticket damage was the real reason that Joe got kicked off the ticket and replaced with Kamala who, in the 19 days since being anointed as Biden’s replacement, has yet to conduct a press conference or to do a major media interview — not even with such friendly outlets as CNN and MSNBC.



  1. Respectfully, Harris is flying around the country, holding rallies in swing states.

    Trump. on the other hand, holed up in Mar-a-Lago for over a week and then he flew off to hold one rally in Montana, which is about a safe a state for him as there is.

    So who is running a non-campaign?

    1. Because all the rallies that Trump did in New York and New Jersey, when the Dems thought that they had him immobilized by a "trial" in Manhattan those totally don't count.

      But the reference is to the lack of questions from press. And the fact that K. Harris hasn't even gone to the friendly press, while Trump as gone to the unfriendly press.

      Rallies are easy when you have backers bussing people around to be sure the crowds look good.


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